Through his ceaseless investigation into the nature of enlightened consciousness, spiritual teacher and visionary philosopher Andrew Cohen has become a defining voice in the field of evolutionary spirituality. In this talk recorded live in Chicago, he methodically and cogently articulates the implications of what the search for higher states of consciousness means for those of us living in a secular postmodern culture.
In the course of his presentation, Cohen, who is the founder and editor-in-chief of WIE, casts a new light on many of the traditional concepts that are encountered on the quest for meaning and self-transcendence. The nature of the soul, the experience of consciousness, and the understanding of God are seen from a deep-time evolutionary perspective. He differentiates the authentic drive for creativity from the static, self-concerned desire to keep things as they are, and he makes it clear that embracing the potential for higher development is the most profound, thrilling, and challenging dimension of the enlightened life.
In this impassioned call to awaken, you will discover a response to our moment in history that is completely relevant, utterly transformative, and urgently needed.
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Recorded on: 9/28/2007
General Evolutionary Spirituality
Contemporary Spirituality
Spiritual Transformation
Evolutionary Enlightenment
Evolution of Consciousness