Cynthia Bourgeault

A Liberation Beyond Gender


WIE's Jessica Roemischer asks Cynthia Bourgeault, author, Episcopal priest, and internationally recognized teacher of contemplative prayer, “What is liberation for women today?”

Bourgeault, who divides her time between a hermitage off the coast of Maine and fulfilling her role as principal teacher at the Contemplative Society in Vancouver, BC, responds with a powerful description of liberation beyond all relative distinctions, including those of gender itself. The last step in women's liberation, she states, is liberation from the fundamental identification with being a woman. She speaks about the need to be surrendered to the nondual truth of our being, beyond all relative polarities, distinctions, and identities. True liberation—and true woman's liberation, therefore—is only to be found from a perspective in which the individual is already whole and complete. As Bourgeault states with characteristic conviction and depth, we all—men and women alike—must make every effort to be free from ego and its endless drive to identify with less than our highest potential as conscious expressions of the divine in manifestation.

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Cynthia Bourgeault
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A Liberation Beyond Gender  (2 min)
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