When WIE sent a crew of journalists and filmmakers
to Barcelona, Spain, to attend the Parliament of the World's
Religions, they took advantage of this unusual opportunity to
meet and speak with religious figures and spiritual leaders in
every tradition and from every corner of the globe. In these
video clips from the Parliament, WIE's Carter Phipps
catches up with the ubiquitous Deepak Chopra and the venerable
Sikh leader Mohinder Singh to speak about the state of the great
religious traditions and their fate in the future.
Chopra, with his inimitable ease, makes the plea for a “critical
mass of connectivity,” bringing his background as a
medical doctor to bear on his vision of an expanding synthesis
between science and spirituality. Singh, a traditional Sikh
leader and teacher, speaks passionately about the core teachings
of Sikhism, and insists that the most fundamental spiritual
teachings don't necessarily need to change in order to remain
relevant. This is so, according to Singh, because in any epoch
living, a truly virtuous life is always the answer and antidote
to the problems of the day and the concerns of tomorrow.
First held in 1893, the Parliament of the World's Religions is a
periodic gathering that brings together thousands of religious
leaders, teachers, activists, and scholars from around the world
to engage in dialogues, seminars, panel discussions, and presentations concerning the purpose, place, and role of religion in human civilization.
more about:
Recorded on: 7/7/2004
Contemporary Spirituality
Future of Religious Traditions