Dean Radin

Where Science Meets Psi


This WIE Unbound interview features Dr. Dean Radin, senior scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences and author of The Conscious Universe: The Scientific Truth of Psychic Phenomena. He provides a broad overview of the current climate and investigative work being done in parapsychology and neuroscience today. Radin is a legend in the field of paranormal research, and brings both the heartfelt passion of a true believer and the determined intellectual rigor of a scientist to his exploration of the shadowy and intriguing terrain between the material and the ethereal.

Once considered to be entirely unworthy of serious scientific consideration, research into such things as telepathy, telekinesis, and remote viewing are becoming objects of increasing interest to the scientific mainstream. In the world of today's psi researcher, the “spooky action at a distance” of quantum mechanics not only provides acceptable explanations for the mysterious workings of subatomic particles, it also appears to shed considerable light on the otherwise inexplicable phenomenon of the paranormal. Taking things even further, Radin questions whether there is any fundamental difference between mind and matter, suggesting that delving deeply into either one will inevitably lead to a singular, unified source. WIE Unbound invites you to join Dr. Dean Radin as he walks the road of scientific materialism with the intuitive wisdom of a modern mystic, and in the process turns conventional thinking in both fields upside down.

* The term psi denotes processes of information or energy transfer, such as telepathy or other forms of extrasensory perception, that are currently unexplained in terms of known physical or biological mechanisms.

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Recorded on: 12/2/2004


Science of Consciousness


Where Science Meets Psi

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