Jim Garrison

Bush vs Kerry: The Deeper Dimensions of the Choice Before America

a Voices from the Edge presentation


Jim Garrison, recorded live at Foxhollow, MA., discusses the critical choices and profound consequences that define the 2004 U.S. Presidential election. The stakes far exceed any particular issue or personality. It is as if America has arrived at a great fork in the road, facing a choice between two candidates, two possible paths to take, and two profoundly different sets of social and political forces that will be set in motion by the man who becomes the 44th President of the United States.

“This is the most critical election of our lifetime. There are actors on the stage, issues being profiled, and forces that have been unleashed since September 11 that are unprecedented in their scope and potential impact. Understanding the deeper dimensions of what is occurring is essential in ensuring that American power will be used for good rather than ill in the next phase of human history.”

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Jim Garrison
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Recorded on: 10/15/2004




Bush vs Kerry: The Deeper Dimensions of the Choice Before America

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Section 1 (43 min)

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Section 2 (45 min)

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