Elisabet Sahtouris

Evolution Without Darwin


Dr. Elisabet Sahtouris recasts the classic, mechanistic view of the universe and refutes the basis for Darwin's theory of natural selection with her unique revisioning of biology, evolution—and creation itself—as the product of self-organizing intelligent systems. In Sahtouris' view, evolution is not a matter of random mutation or the unconscious by-product of scarcity driven survival instincts, but is the direct expression of an intrinsic dynamism common to all creation. This “intelligence” moves toward ever higher levels of cooperation based on the mutual flourishing of life itself rather than the combative stance of one form against another. Sahtouris applies these same evolutionary biological principles to her work with various social organizations, applying her powerful understanding toward the goal of intentionally creating resilient and stable “living systems” throughout human society.

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Elisabet Sahtouris
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Recorded on: 11/20/2006


Evolutionary Theories


Evolution Without Darwin

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