Otto Scharmer, coauthor of the acclaimed book,
Presence: Human Purpose and the Field of the Future, believes we must engage with our future by literally “knowing” it in the moment and responding to it proactively. To achieve this, he and his associates at the Society for Organizational Learning (or SOL) have developed a technique they call “presencing” (as in pre-sensing what is to come). Scharmer and his associates seek to tap into this subtle yet potent process in order to effect profound and evolutionary innovation and change in individuals, organizations, and societies. In this Voices presentation, recorded at the Foxhollow Forum in western Massachusetts, Professor Scharmer speaks about his personal commitment to the science and practice of change, and discusses the inspired origins of his integral model for individual and collective transformation: the “U” theory.
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Recorded on: 6/11/2005
Business And Spirituality
Collective Consciousness
Evolution of Consciousness