Andrew Cohen & Alex Grey

The Creative Impulse in Life, Art, and Consciousness - Part Two


The second part of this two-part video continues the dialogue between visionary artist Alex Grey and WIE founder Andrew Cohen that took place on New Year’s Eve at Grey’s colorful New York City studio. After their in-depth exploration of the creative principle as a fundamental force of life and the cosmos, they opened the floor to questions from the audience.

Cohen’s and Grey’s responses to these questions cover topics as varied as the purpose of mystical experiences, the pop art of sixties icon Andy Warhol, and the urgency to take conscious responsibility for the evolution of the life process. Ultimately, they concur that the urge to create is an expression of the evolutionary impulse itself. In their lively conversation, they make it clear that each of us has a unique capacity for imagination and innovation. And it is our willingness to embrace creativity and change in our lives, they say, that will make it possible for us to generate a new and enlightened future together.

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Andrew Cohen
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Alex Grey
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Recorded on: 12/31/2007


Arts and Creativity


The Creative Impulse in Life, Art, and Consciousness - Part Two

Full-length content (31 min)

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Arts and Creativity