Alex Grey

Sacred Art, Sacred Space


What makes a work of art spiritual? How do you make a building transmit the uplifting qualities of the sacred? What is the relationship between the evolution of culture and the creation of sacred objects and structures? To find out, WIE's Ross Robertson speaks with acclaimed visionary artist Alex Grey, whose intricate, expansive canvases convey the cosmic scope and spiritual dimension of human life.

Grey begins by describing his recent visits to Damanhur, an extraordinary example of contemporary sacred space. Built into the side of a mountain in the foothills of the Italian Alps, Damanhur is the creation of a unique spiritual vision, brought to life with unparalleled levels of design and craftsmanship, and supported by an inspired and ongoing communal effort. Like the great cathedrals of old, this modern day temple to the universal sacred impulse serves as a permanent reminder of our higher purpose and untapped human potential.

According to Grey, the Temples of Damanhur and his own Temple of Sacred Mirrors in New York, serve as examples and reminder of just what's possible—even in our contemporary secular society—when people come together to create something truly meaningful and of lasting beauty.

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Recorded on: 10/23/2006

Sacred Art, Sacred Space

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