Andrew Cohen

Striving for Unreachable Perfection


Andrew Cohen, editor in chief of What Is Enlightenment? magazine, and internationally recognized leader in the field of evolutionary spirituality, discusses the ultimate predicament, goals, and purpose of human existence in a context of cosmic evolution. Encompassing the future of life in the universe and the limitless nature of consciousness, Cohen addresses the ills of the individual today—existential angst, cynicism, narcissism—while describing in exquisite detail the limitless potential for spiritual development possessed by these same privileged few (which means you and me!). As this inspired talk spirals upward, Cohen's attention turns to higher levels of perspective, potential, and passion to create an enlightened future, striving always for the perfection inherent in creation itself. In our post-postmodern world, bereft of a mythic god to guide and shape our lives, the enlightened individual's task is no longer to transcend the world, Cohen says, but to fully engage, as oneself, at the leading edge of its ongoing creation—to find and identify with what he calls the Authentic Self, that part of us that is always free, and to become perfect expressions, in time and space, of the eternal creative impulse itself. Cohen poses the perennial spiritual question, “Who are you?” and quickly answers, “You are consciousness itself.” And “Why are we here?” He emphatically replies, “To create the future!”

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Andrew Cohen
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Recorded on: 9/26/2006


Postmodern Culture
Evolutionary Enlightenment


Striving for Unreachable Perfection

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