Eric Weiss

Sri Aurobindo, Soul Evolution, and the Astral Realms


Picture the way you think about reality—who you are, how you exist, the ground beneath your feet, and the sky overhead. Then, forget all that and listen to Dr. Eric Weiss, philosopher and cosmologist, in this captivating conversation about the evolution of the soul and the nature of astral realms. Speaking with WIE's Carter Phipps, Weiss effortlessly blends Western science, esoteric occultism, and modern psychology with the philosophy and religious beliefs of the East, focusing particularly on the brilliant work of Indian philosopher and mystic Sri Aurobindo.

Weiss describes a system of vast multidimensional planes of existence, fluidly shifting between ethereal realms, where the spirit and the soul move unfettered by the “normal” laws of physics, and our more familiar milieu in which physical bodies are bound by space and time. According to Weiss, what happens to us after we die may not be all that final—or unfamiliar—especially if you consider that we may actually exist simultaneously in at least three distinct (but not always clearly differentiated) domains. In this way, once the body can no longer contain the essential spirit—at the moment of death, for example—it seamlessly continues evolving in an entirely real, if not quite solid, form of existence. Heady, intriguing, and quite literally expansive stuff from a serious student of both Eastern and Western science, psychology, and mysticism.

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Eric Weiss
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Recorded on: 11/15/2005


Reincarnation and the Afterlife


Sri Aurobindo, Soul Evolution, and the Astral Realms

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Section 1
Death and the afterlife (8 min)

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Section 2
Why does death exist? (5 min)

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Section 3
Where are the astral realms? (7 min)

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Section 4
A new metaphysical framework (9 min)

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Reincarnation and the Afterlife