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Issue 39 / February–April 2008
The Cosmos, the Psyche, and YOU An evolutionary vision for spirituality and psychology in the 21st century
In one of WIE’s most eclectic issues yet, we trace the profound influence that the 20th-century luminaries Carl Jung and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin have had on the way we see ourselves and our world, and how their perspectives are shaping our collective destiny today. Plus, we take a closer look at the idea of the “divine feminine,” critique the artwork of Adi Da Samraj, explore the relationship between time and eternity, and speak with a bodybuilding legend on his pursuit of self mastery. Featuring Ken Wilber, Frank Zane, Helen LaKelly Hunt, Andrew Cohen, and more.
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Andrew Cohen
Carl Gustav Jung and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.
One probed the psyche. The other contemplated the cosmos. Declared by some to be the two most influential
thinkers of the twentieth century, Jung and Teilhard seem destined to play a significant part in the twenty-first.
In this personal and philosophical journey, WIE editor Carter Phipps walks the line between past and future,
tracing the influence of these groundbreaking figures and exploring the role they may each play in our
understanding of who we are . . . and of where we're headed in the years to come.
by Carter Phipps
Will embracing woman-centered spirituality take us beyond patriarchy? WIE offers a revealing look at one of
the reigning archetypes of contemporary feminism.
by Elizabeth Debold
The Art of Adi Da Samraj
Amidst the frenzy of the prestigious Venice Biennale, an exhibition by a modern spiritual master attempts
to restore the transcendent dimension to art.
by Carol Ann Raphael
Andrew Cohen and Ken Wilber
What is the relationship between physical aging and spiritual evolution? Spiritual teacher Andrew Cohen and
integral philosopher Ken Wilber discuss life after fifty, explore traditional interpretations of immortality,
and take a speculative journey into the realms beyond physical death.
Beyond Limits
An interview with three-time Mr. Olympia Frank Zane
He has defeated Arnold Schwarzenegger in competition. He began practicing meditation at age fifteen. Now, at
sixty-five, one of bodybuilding's greatest self-masters shares the wisdom he's gained about aging, dream yoga,
and the science of winning.
by Andrew Cohen
PULSE: news from an emerging culture
Meditate and Destroy with Noah Levine; is Gen Y an alien life force? SuperConsciousness magazine;
opposing views on Mother Teresa;
Alan Watts meets South Park; Mr. Deity; gaiety at Auschwitz; and more...
New research is suggesting a neurological basis for out-of-body experiences. But what do the experts think?
by Paul Bloch and Tom Huston
Reviews of books, film, and other media