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Issue 22 Cover
Issue 22  /  Fall–Winter 2002
Are You Ready to Change Now?
Exploring the Dynamics of Human Transformation
Everybody wants to get enlightened but nobody wants to change! Join What is Enlightenment? as we explore our evolutionary potential through new models of individual and collective transformation.

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table of contents

From our readers
In the Beginning
A word from the editors
  Enlightenment for the 21st Century
Are You Ready to Change Now?
by Andrew Cohen

miracles and transformation

Yasuhiko Kimura A Philosopher of Change
An Interview with Yasuhiko Kimura

One of the new breed of evolutionary philosophers, Twilight Club Director Yasuhiko Kimura rails against the conspiracy of mediocrity plaguing the postmodern world, and shares his vision of the future human: homo universalis and beyond.

Carter Phipps

The Guru and the Pandit
Breaking the Rules
Andrew Cohen and Ken Wilber in Dialogue

The West's foremost cartographer of consciousness joins the founder of WIE to discuss the anatomy of modern spiritual transformation. Together, they confront the prevailing cultural disposition that must be challenged if humans are to take the next evolutionary step.

Not Just A Book Review
Boomeritis and Me

One of our editors peers deep into Narcissus' mirror to reflect upon the spiritual implications of a pervasive cultural virus called boomeritis—the subject and title of Ken Wilber's recent novel.

Elizabeth Debold

miracles and transformation
Ashrita Furman "I am not the body; I am the soul"
Breaking Limits with Sri Chinmoy and Ashrita Furman

Find out how multi-Guinness-world-record-holder Ashrita Furman, a mild-mannered limitation-buster, is capable of accomplishing feats most of us couldn't—or wouldn't—even imagine.

Elizabeth Debold

Where Two or Three Are Gathered in My Name
An excerpt from Father Arseny

Witness a modern miracle as Father Arseny, a Russian Orthodox priest imprisoned for over twenty years in Stalin's death camps, demonstrates the remarkable power of prayer.

Robert Thurman
The Fantastic Buddhaverse of Robert Thurman

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's . . . Buddha! Join Buddhist scholar and professor Robert Thurman as he spins amazing tales of the otherworldly capacities of cosmic Buddhahood. illustrated by Nadir Balan

The Never-Ending Upward Quest
The Practical and Spiritual Wisdom of Spiral Dynamics
An Interview with Dr. Don Beck

Change-wizard Don Beck guides us on a monumental and mind-bending journey through spiraling stages and "colors" of consciousness. Editor Jessica Roemischer explains why, when it comes to spiritual transformation, it ain't easy being "green."

Jessica Roemischer

Transformation by Design
An Interview with Dee Hock

Founder of Visa International and self-made philosopher Dee Hock invokes the new science of complexity theory to show how human organizations can become powerful agents for evolutionary transformation.

Melissa Hoffman

Robert Keegan
Epistemology, Fourth Order Consciousness, and the Subject-Object Relationship
or . . . How the Self Evolves with Robert Kegan

Psychologist and professor Robert Kegan illuminates the intricate processes of human transformation, and describes how consciousness needs to evolve to master the demands of a rapidly changing world.

Elizabeth Debold

Who's Transforming Anyway?
Stacey Heartspring Encounters the Postmodern Craze of Neo-Advaita
Join Stacey, WIE's newest correspondent (and loosest cannon), to find out just what makes the neo-advaita world tick!