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Issue 16 Cover
Issue 16  /  Fall–Winter 1999
How Free Do We Really Want to Be?
What Is Enlightenment? presents an unprecedented investigation into the relationship between enlightenment and gender.

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table of contents

Men's Liberation? Women's Liberation? Gay Liberation? How Free Do We Really Want to Be?


From the Editors

Introduction to this issue
by Andrew Cohen

  Andrew Cohen
Liberation Without a Face

A feminist activist and author interviews her male spiritual teacher about why women's liberation and spiritual liberation have nothing to do with each other.

Interview by Elizabeth Debold

No Man's Land

Mary Daly

"I don't think about men. I really don't care about them. I'm concerned with women's capacities." A former Christian theologian and one of the most original and radical feminist thinkers of our time dismisses any attempt to include men in a discussion of gender and spirituality.

Interview by Susan Bridle

Get Over It!

Sam Keen

The author of Fire in the Belly: On Being a Man takes no prisoners in his critique of the men's movement, the women's movement, the gay movement and enlightenment.

Interview by Craig Hamilton

Gay/Straight, Man/Woman, Self/Other: What Would the Buddha Have Had to Say about Gay Liberation?

Jose Cabezon

The author of Fire in the Belly: On Being a Man takes no prisoners in his critique of the men's movement, the women's movement, the gay movement and enlightenment.

Interview by Amy Edelstein

Gay Liberation

by Daniel Piatek

What's the Relationship Between Emptiness and Beautiful Nails?

Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo

Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo—the first Western woman to be recognized as a reincarnated Tibetan tulku—speaks candidly about gender and enlightenment, her relationship with her students and being a female teacher in a male-dominated tradition.

Interview by Andrew Cohen

War Cry—Poem

Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo

Could Christ Have Been a Woman?

Father Basil Pennington

"If you're a man or if you're a woman, you're still a man or woman when you come into your fullness." A Trappist monk and world-renowned teacher of Centering Prayer speaks passionately about realizing our innate divinity, which simultaneously transcends and celebrates gender.

Interview by Simeon Alev

The Back of the Synagogue Is Not the Back of the Bus

Tamar Frankiel & Esther Kosofsky

Could it be that a patriarchal religion actually gives women more strength and confidence than the feminist movement? A discussion with two outspoken contemporary Orthodox Jewish women.

Interview by Amy Edelstein

No Difference!

Swami Bharati Tirtha
The Shankaracharya of Sringeri

One of the foremost authorities in modern Hinduism explains why the only practice necessary for women to attain enlightenment is the worship of their husband as a god.

Interview by Chris Parish

Gender Outlaw

Kate Bornstein

"I'm not a man, I'm not a woman. I'm at the next stage, which includes man, woman and lots of other genders!" A self-styled "gender terrorist" and postoperative transsexual presents her unorthodox prescription for "gender freedom."

Interview by Susan Bridle

Taming Patriarchy: The Emergence of the Black Goddess

Marion Woodman

One of the world's foremost Jungian analysts explains why a mysterious feminine figure appearing in the dreams of contemporary men and women may hold the key to our planet's very survival.