War vs. Peace in a Post 9-11 World
Read the feature article
Also featured in this Issue:
Mario Cuomo,
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Is God a Pacifist?
Is peace the answer to a world in chaos? Against the backdrop of
9/11 and Iraq, WIE asks the hard questions about just wars and religious
violence, and explores the relationship between our deepest spiritual
principles and the politics of an evolving global society.
Online Broadcasts
Online audios of interviews from the feature article Is God a Pacifist?
Michael Nagler
Founder of UC Berkeley Center for Peace and Conflict Studies“Force of the Heart”
Marc Gopin
Director of George Mason University's Center on Religion, Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution“A Morally Ambiguous Universe”
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Will America be remembered as the architect of the world's first global democracy or as a power-hungry rogue nation that precipitates a tragedy of epic proportions?
Jim Garrison
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The Muslim world stands at a crossroads, and the future of the planet may rest on which direction it takes: confrontation or its own cultural and religious heritage of tolerance and peace.
Dr. Munawar Anees
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A Christian monk has a plan for how to deal with Al-Qaeda
(Hint: It doesn't involve invading anyone)
Brother Wayne Teasdale
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