John Haught

An Unfinished Universe


“By anybody's standards, there's a world of difference between the human brain and human culture on the one hand, and the primordial radiation that the universe began with. Something has happened. Something is working itself out in this universe and the question is, what is that?”

John Haught is a theologian and author who looks at life, the world, and the divine in terms of infinitude and the evolution of being and consciousness itself. He seeks a coherent sense of purpose and divine plan within the grandest strokes of cosmic creation, and is particularly interested in issues pertaining to science, cosmology, ecology, and religion. In his open-minded inquiry, Haught has pursued such edgy theological questions as, What would happen to the idea of God if extraterrestrial life appeared on earth?

Interviewed at the annual Metanexus Conference, Haught was asked by WIE's Amy Edelstein to elaborate on some of the central themes of his work. Why is the standard Darwinian recipe for evolution not enough to explain everything that exists? Why do human beings harbor an innate desire for infinitude? Is our sense of God evolving as we evolve?

Haught beautifully articulates the potent terrain between—and above—the worlds of science and religion. Viewing the evolution of consciousness as fundamental to the purpose of our universe, he sees human evolution not as an end in itself, but as one step along a greater all-consuming path toward an infinite, unknowable, yet wholly positive conclusion.

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John Haught
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Interviewed by:

Amy Edelstein


Recorded on: 6/10/2006


Evolutionary Theories
Evolution of Consciousness


An Unfinished Universe

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Evolutionary Theories

Evolution of Consciousness