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Science, Consciousness, and the Soul

Join the search for a theory of consciousness that embraces both the mystical and the latest discoveries in neuroscience, parapsychology, and quantum physics.

Who are we? Random creations of the unpredictable workings of quantum physics? Or are we a miraculous creation of God filled with meaning and purpose? Is there some mysterious, living intelligence that pervades the entire universe? Or is consciousness just the illusory byproduct of synaptic activity in our brain? Come and explore the hotly contested ground between mysticism and materialism, as we seek out a theory of consciousness that embraces both science and the soul.

  • Answer questions about consciousness, like:

    How does the mind manifest reality?

    How can we individually and collectively create the future?

    Can the brain be the source of morality, God, and the soul?

  • Take a mind-bending ride into the field of paranormal psychology and through some wild theories of consciousness. Hear interviews with Marilyn Schlitz, Dean Radin, Sue Blackmore, Rupert Sheldrake, and more...
  • Uncover the largely untapped potential within our brains, and ways in which we might unleash this sleeping giant in order to realize the next step in human evolution
  • Go behind the scenes with the movie What the Bleep do we Know!? and listen to what Masaru Emoto and Fred Alan Wolf have to say about the relationship between quantum physics and the nature of consciousness.

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Frankly, What Is Enlightenment? is the best magazine available today in America on the spiritual and new integrative paradigm frontier. Amit Goswami, Ph.D.
Author of The Self Aware Universe

Am I Just A Bunch Of Neurons Firing Inside My Head?

Access the latest scientific research on consciousness and peer into the relationship between the mind, brain, and spirit.

Maybe Angels

Rupert Sheldrake

A visionary biologist explores the consciousness of the universe and dissects the materialist creed.

Is Consciousness Created By My Mind? or Does It Exist Out There, Somewhere?

Explore the mind of the universe with these renowned scientists and visionaries.

Look for Truth No Matter Where It Takes You

David Peat

David Bohm, renowned theoretical physicist and close associate of the great spiritual visionary J. Krishnamurti, is remembered by his friend, colleague, and biographer David Peat.

What the bleep DO we know?!

A mind-bending primer in the relationship between consciousness and the cutting edge of quantum physics.

Taking the Quantum Leap... Too Far?

Tom Huston

Merging science and spirituality in a docudrama blend What the #$*! Do We Know?! is taking moviegoers on a wild tour of the surprising interconnections between psychology, biology, physics . . . and God.

Scientific Proof of the Existence of God

Amit Goswami

This physicist explains how his mystical realization that consciousness is the ground of being helped him to solve the troubling paradoxes of quantum mechanics.

Could the soul really be part of my brain?

Bridging the gap between science, God, and consciousness.

Is God All in Your Head?

Craig Hamilton

As neuroscientists race to connect every aspect of human experience to the firing of neurons in the brain, the battle between science and religion is heating up. Will science succeed in its quest to do away with God, the soul, and all things spiritual? WIE steps inside the consciousness debate.

The Slenderest Knowledge

E.F. Schumacher

A poignant excerpt from A Guide for the Perplexed, E. F. Schumacher's compelling reckoning with the loss of meaning and value in the wake of the scientific revolution.

Encounter at the Edge of the New Paradigm

Fritjof Capra

Fritjof Capra's engaging account of his meeting with Schumacher in 1977, excerpted from his book Uncommon Wisdom, illustrates how two critics of the classical scientific worldview—both of them ardent proponents of a new vision for humankind—can differ so fundamentally about exactly how to move ahead.