Articles, Audios, and More . . .Science, Consciousness, and the SoulJoin the search for a theory of consciousness that embraces both the mystical and the latest discoveries in neuroscience, parapsychology, and quantum physics.Who are we? Random creations of the unpredictable workings of quantum physics? Or are we a miraculous creation of God filled with meaning and purpose? Is there some mysterious, living intelligence that pervades the entire universe? Or is consciousness just the illusory byproduct of synaptic activity in our brain? Come and explore the hotly contested ground between mysticism and materialism, as we seek out a theory of consciousness that embraces both science and the soul.
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Am I Just A Bunch Of Neurons Firing Inside My Head?
Access the latest scientific research on consciousness and peer into the relationship between the mind, brain, and spirit.
David Chalmers, author of The Conscious Mind, spoke with WIE's Craig Hamilton at the 2004 Consciousness Conference in Tuscon, Arizona. |
Former psi researcher turned skeptic-with-an-open-mind asks the question, “What IF the entirety of our experience were reducible to chemical processes in the brain?” |
Best known for his studies in the development of consciousness in children, Pearce suggests that the culmination of three billion years of evolution lies untapped within our neural structures. |
Rupert Sheldrake, iconoclast, biologist, and author of The Sense of Being Stared At, brings his inquisitive, scientific mind to the exploration of intuition, precognition, and telepathy. |
A visionary biologist explores the consciousness of the universe and dissects the materialist creed. |
Legendary scientist Dr. Dean Radin, speaks with WIE Unbound about the increasing confluence of quantum physics and the mysterious phenomenon of the paranormal. |
Is Consciousness Created By My Mind? or Does It Exist Out There, Somewhere?
Explore the mind of the universe with these renowned scientists and visionaries.
Vice President for Research and Education at the Institute of Noetic Sciences Dr. Marilyn Schlitz tells tales from the lab guaranteed to amaze believers and skeptics alike... |
David Bohm, renowned theoretical physicist and close associate of the great spiritual visionary J. Krishnamurti, is remembered by his friend, colleague, and biographer David Peat. |
Dr. Ervin Laszlo presents a radical new theory of our “informed universe” in which information is as elemental as energy but is perpetually created and forever retained. |
Dr. Peter Fenwick, neuropsychiatrist at London University, provides an eye-opening look at some of the unexplored and unexplained mysteries of human consciousness. |
What the bleep DO we know?!
A mind-bending primer in the relationship between consciousness and the cutting edge of quantum physics.
Merging science and spirituality in a docudrama blend What the #$*! Do We Know?! is taking moviegoers on a wild tour of the surprising interconnections between psychology, biology, physics . . . and God. |
Masaru Emoto demonstrates in beautiful photographs that prayer and thoughts alter crystalline formations of frozen water. His work was featured in the movie, What the Bleep Do We Know!? |
Fred Alan Wolf studies the relationship of quantum physics to consciousness. He appeared in the popular film, What the Bleep Do We Know!? and is the author of The Yoga of Time Travel and other books. |
This physicist explains how his mystical realization that consciousness is the ground of being helped him to solve the troubling paradoxes of quantum mechanics. |
Roger Nelson, director of the Global Consciousness Project, speaks about his research aimed at proving that human consciousness intertwines, interacts, and ultimately exerts measurable force on the world around us–and why this holds the key to the next stage in human evolution. |
Could the soul really be part of my brain?
Bridging the gap between science, God, and consciousness.
WIE Unbound presents Mind, Matter, and Time, a three-day conference on consciousness sponsored by WIE and the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, NY. The conference presented the work and ideas of WIE's managing editor Craig Hamilton, Masaru Emoto, Joseph Chilton Pearce, and Fred Alan Wolf. |
Christian theologian and philosopher Dr. Nancey Murphy speaks with WIE's Craig Hamilton about the demise of the soul, the existence of God, and the evolving relationship between science and religion. |
A poignant excerpt from A Guide for the Perplexed, E. F. Schumacher's compelling reckoning with the loss of meaning and value in the wake of the scientific revolution. |
Dr. Andrew Newberg, Director of NeuroPET Research at the University of Pennsylvania, discusses his pioneering research involving meditating monks and the relationship between mystical states of consciousness and the brain. |
Peter Russell, intrepid consciousness explorer and author of From Science to God, blends physics, psychology, and philosophy in his search for a new worldview. |
Award-winning science fiction writer Robert J. Sawyer speaks with WIE's Tom Huston about the virtues of good fiction, compelling science, and an active interest in the future. |
Fritjof Capra's engaging account of his meeting with Schumacher in 1977, excerpted from his book Uncommon Wisdom, illustrates how two critics of the classical scientific worldview—both of them ardent proponents of a new vision for humankind—can differ so fundamentally about exactly how to move ahead. |