In our May 2004 issue, Craig Hamilton's groundbreaking feature, “Come Together: The Mystery of Collective Intelligence,” introduces you to pioneers who are discovering that wholes are far more than the sum of their parts. When individuals unite in a shared intention, something mysterious comes into being—with capacities and intelligences that far transcend those of the individuals involved.
We invite you to listen to audios of interviews with these pathfinders, meet them in person, and join us in asking: Could collective intelligence be the foundation for the next social and spiritual revolution?
Reprints of “Come Together: The Mystery of Collective Intelligence,” with an extensive bibliographical list and endnotes, are available for purchase. Order here.
Copyright © 2004 What Is Enlightenment? Press.
All rights reserved.
Enlightened communication is an ongoing, hands-on experiment in the evolution of consciousness, based on the Evolutionary Enlightenment teachings of Andrew Cohen, founder of What Is Enlightenment? magazine.
Join individuals around the world who are coming together to find out what it means to participate in our collective evolution.
Enlightened communication groups can be found in cities throughout the US and Europe: London, New York, Boston, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, and more...