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Awakening the Authentic Self

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The Leading Edge of the Leading Edge
Where is the evolution of consciousness and culture taking us? Andrew Cohen and Ken Wilber explore the qualities of a barely emerging set of higher potentials in consciousness that are often referred to as “third tier.”
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Living in the Dark
Cosmologists say 96% of the universe’s mass consists of invisible, enigmatic entities called “dark matter” and “dark energy.” But what is this stuff? And why are some physicists invoking Eastern philosophy to explain it?
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Meditate as if Your Life Depended on It
WIE speaks with Fleet Maull, a former maximum security prisoner who discovered a profound sense of freedom when he decided to become “radically committed to eradicating any kind of negativity or uselessness out of my life.”
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An Intensive for Evolutionaries
On the weekend of Oct. 31 – Nov. 2, in Lenox, MA, individuals from around the world will join EnlightenNext founder Andrew Cohen in an effort to create new potentials for consciousness and culture. You’re invited to be one of them.
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Donate Now WIE's Fall Fund Drive Oct. 12 - Nov. 15, 2008 Help Change the World... from the Inside Out
Help meet the urgent need for our culture to reach toward higher levels of development by making a donation today. Your donations are crucial to EnlightenNext's ability to produce What Is Enlightenment? magazine.
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Expand your perspective with audios and videos from today's leading thinkers and visionaries.
This Week’s Audio
Susan Neiman
Idealism for Grown Ups
Philosopher Susan Neiman explains why she thinks that after decades on the fringes, idealism is coming back into fashion—this time less naive and able to handle the tough questions confronting us at this moment in history.
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Living in a World of Accelerating Change
With an international reputation for accurately predicting up-and-coming technologies coupled with an uncanny eye for the future, Daniel Burrus speaks about what changes he sees on the horizon and how they will influence the way we live.
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What Future for Muslim Identity?
Dr. Munawar Anees, a Pakistani-American writer, social critic, and Nobel Peace Prize nominee, calls for a renaissance of Islamic culture, one that will revive the great tradition of learning, tolerance, and liberalism that was once the hallmark of Islamic civilization.
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The Amazing Peter Ragnar
Described as a modern-day shaman, Taoist wizard, natural life scientist, and self-master par excellence all wrapped into one, Peter Ragnar takes the act of cultivating intention and turns it into a form of high art that has the power to transform all dimensions of life.
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Andrew Cohen
Editor in Chief
Carter Phipps
Executive Editor
Tom Huston
Senior Associate Editor
Weekly Webcast
Each week, EnlightenNext and What Is Enlightenment? magazine host a webcast exploring different aspects of the evolution of consciousness and culture. Listen to this week’s episode:
What's Next? Going beyond Postmodernity
62:25 minutes (24.2 MB)
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